
"Muhammad, the Messenger of God"<br />inscribed on the gates of the [[Prophet's Mosque]] in [[Medina]] Muhammad (; ;  570 – 8 June 632 CE), gives 8 June 632 CE, the dominant Islamic tradition. Many earlier (primarily non-Islamic) traditions refer to him as still alive at the time of the Muslim conquest of Palestine.}} was an Arab religious, social, and political leader and the founder of Islam., writing for the Oxford Encyclopedia of the Islamic World: "The Prophet of Islam was a religious, political, and social reformer who gave rise to one of the great civilizations of the world. From a modern, historical perspective, Muḥammad was the founder of Islam. From the perspective of the Islamic faith, he was God's Messenger (''rasūl Allāh''), called to be a "warner," first to the Arabs and then to all humankind."}} According to Islamic doctrine, he was a prophet divinely inspired to preach and confirm the monotheistic teachings of Adam, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and other prophets. He is believed to be the Seal of the Prophets within Islam, with the Quran as well as his teachings and practices forming the basis for Islamic religious belief.

Muhammad was born in approximately 570CE in Mecca. He was the son of Abdullah ibn Abd al-Muttalib and Amina bint Wahb. His father, Abdullah, the son of Quraysh tribal leader Abd al-Muttalib ibn Hashim, died around the time Muhammad was born. His mother Amina died when he was six, leaving Muhammad an orphan. He was raised under the care of his grandfather, Abd al-Muttalib, and paternal uncle, Abu Talib. In later years, he would periodically seclude himself in a mountain cave named Hira for several nights of prayer. When he was 40, circa 610CE, Muhammad reported being visited by Gabriel in the cave and receiving his first revelation from God. In 613, Muhammad started preaching these revelations publicly, proclaiming that "God is One", that complete "submission" (''islām'') to God (''Allah'') is the right way of life (''dīn''), and that he was a prophet and messenger of God, similar to the other prophets in Islam.

Muhammad's followers were initially few in number, and experienced hostility from Meccan polytheists for 13 years. To escape ongoing persecution, he sent some of his followers to Abyssinia in 615, before he and his followers migrated from Mecca to Medina (then known as Yathrib) later in 622. This event, the Hijrah, marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar, also known as the Hijri calendar. In Medina, Muhammad united the tribes under the Constitution of Medina. In December 629, after eight years of intermittent fighting with Meccan tribes, Muhammad gathered an army of 10,000 Muslim converts and marched on the city of Mecca. The conquest went largely uncontested, and Muhammad seized the city with little bloodshed. In 632, a few months after returning from the Farewell Pilgrimage, he fell ill and died. By the time of his death, most of the Arabian Peninsula had converted to Islam.

The revelations (''ayat'') that Muhammad reported receiving until his death form the verses of the Quran, regarded by Muslims as the verbatim "Word of God" on which the religion is based. Besides the Quran, Muhammad's teachings and practices (''sunnah''), found in transmitted reports (hadith) and in his biography (''sīrah''), are also upheld and used as sources of Islamic law. Provided by Wikipedia
Showing 4,141 - 4,160 results of 5,429 for search 'Muhammad,', query time: 0.02s Refine Results
  1. 4141
    Siyasat al-tasyri' inda Umar ibn al-Khattab /
    سياسة التشريع عند عمر بن الخطاب رضي الله عنه /
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  2. 4142
    al-Dawabit al-fiqhiyah lil-amr bil-ma'rufi wa-al-nahy 'an al-munkar /
    الضوابط الفقهية للأمر بالمعروف والنهي عن المنكر /
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  3. 4143
    al-Dhimmah al-maliyah lil-mar'ah fi fiqh al-Islami /
    الذمة المالية للمرأة في الفقه الاسلامي /
    by Na'irat, Ayman Ahmad Muhammad
    Published 2009
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  4. 4144
    Nahwa masraf markazi Islami /
    نحو مصرف مركزي اسلامي /
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  5. 4145
    al-Tadakhkhum al-mali wa-al-siyasah al-daribah fi muwajahah al-tadakhkhum al-iktisadi : dirasah tatbiqiyah 'ala Misr /
    التضخم المالى والسياسة الضريبة في مواجهة التضخم الاقتصادي : دراسة تطبيقية على مصر /
    by 'Abd al-Karim, Muhammad Hatim
    Published 1984
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  6. 4146
    Anmat al-akhta' al-i'mlai'yyah : asbabuha wa-manhajiyyah mua'lijatuha li-al-talabah al-malayuwiyyin bi-Markaz al-Dirasat al-Asasiyyah al-Islamiyyah al-'Alamiyyah bi-Maliziya /
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  7. 4147
  8. 4148
    Anmat al-jumlah fi rasa'il al-khulafa' al-Rasyidin /
    أنماط الجملة في رسائل الخلفاء الراشدين /
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  9. 4149
    Athar al-dirasah al-nahwiyah fi dalalah al-takhsis al-muttasil 'inda al-usuliyyin /
    أثر الدراسة النحوية في دلالة التخصيص المتصل عند الأصوليين /
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  10. 4150
    al-Akhta' al-lughawiyah fi al-sahafah al-Filastiniyah fi intifadat al-Aqsa : dirasah wasfiyah tahliliyah /
    الأخطأ اللغوية في الصحافة الفلسطينية في انتفاضة الأقصى : دراسة وصفية تحليلية /
    by al-Batsh, Yusuf Muhammad 'Ali
    Published 2008
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  11. 4151
    al-Masa'il al-nahwiyah wa al-sarfiyah fi kitab Majalis tha'lab : dirasah wasfiyah tahliliyah /
    المسائل النحوية والصرفية في كتاب مجالس ثعلب : دراسة وصفية تحليلية /
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  12. 4152
    al-Shahid al-nahwi fi Mu'jam al-Sihah lil-Jawhari /
    الشاهد النحوي في معجم الصحاح للجوهري /
  13. 4153
    Dirasah taqwimiyah li-nizam al-ikhtibar al-tahsili li-al-nahw al-'arabi min wajhat nazar mudarrisi al-marhalah al-'idadiyah fi al-Iraq (2003-2008) /
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  14. 4154
    Tatawwur al-khadamat al-baridiyyah fi al-'asr al-'Abbasi al-awwal /
    تطور الخدمات البريدية في العصر العباسي الأول /
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  15. 4155
    Al-jumlah al-khabariyyah wa al-inshai'yyah fi surat al-Ahzab min haythu al-tarkib wa al-dilalah /
    الجملة الخبرية والإنشائية في سورة الأحزاب من حيث التركيب والدلالة /
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  16. 4156
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  17. 4157
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    قضايا المرأة المسلمة في فكر جمال البنا /
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  18. 4158
    al-'Alaqat wa al-ta'thirat al-hadariyah bayna mantiqatai janub gharb Asiya wa shimal sharq Afriqiya fi al-'asr al-hijri al-qadim al-awsat min khilal al-luqa al-athariyah /
    العلاقات والتأثيرات الحضارية بين منطقتي جنوب غرب آسا وشمال شرق أفريقيا في العصر الحجري القديم الأوسط من خلال اللقى الأثرية /
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  20. 4160
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