Process development for maximum carotenoids extraction from pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata) and its improvement through biogenesis manipulation

Pumpkin is a vegetable loaded with carotenoid compounds that can support healthy living due to its antioxidant properties. Pumpkin is abundantly planted in Malaysia, with estimation of productions from 3559 to 8058 metric tonnes per year. However, the research on its carotenoid compound has not rece...


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主要作者: Norshazila Shahidan (Author)
格式: Thesis 圖書
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  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Literature review
  • 3. Materials and methods
  • 4. Optimization of solvent extraction conditions for total carotenoid content in pumpkin flesh by central composite design (CCD) under the response surface methodology
  • 5. Isolation of carotenoid compound using open column chromatography technique
  • 6. Carotenoid content in pumpkin flesh from different locations, seasons and storage times
  • 7. Biogenesis manipulation and callus
  • 8.General discussion and conclusion