Mobile application to find perfect gifts / Nur Alya Nasrin Nodin

For decades, the Internet has catered to the diverse needs and searches in practically every profession. The world has recently shifted toward mobile devices. Almost any task, no matter how minor or large, has the potential and capability of being completed via mobile devices. Nowadays, it is expect...


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主要作者: Nodin, Nur Alya Nasrin
格式: Thesis
出版: 2022
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總結:For decades, the Internet has catered to the diverse needs and searches in practically every profession. The world has recently shifted toward mobile devices. Almost any task, no matter how minor or large, has the potential and capability of being completed via mobile devices. Nowadays, it is expected to complete all tasks in the shortest amount of time feasible. As a result, consumers have quietly and gradually shifted away from desktop PCs and toward mobile devices. However, as mobile devices are now considered, they come with resource limitations such as memory, storage capacity, screen size, and so on. Given the need to give loved ones, it is common to spend hours searching the internet for various ideas to come up with a great gift. Gift giving has significantly more societal, sociological, and psychological repercussions than most individuals realise. It can have both beneficial and bad effects, such as reinforcing and strengthening social bonds or weakening and destroying them, and imposing identity images on both the givers and the recipients. Gifts are very essential from a consumer and marketing standpoint, and they tend to generate anxiety in their recipients in a variety of ways. The construction of this android application included conducting study in this subject, learning about the strength and reach of android in today's world, and employing numerous tools to create a dependable and accommodating solution for gifting needs. It allows people to find a wide range of gifting possibilities in a brief amount of time. This software is free and can help users save time and effort while looking for gifts and ideas for surprise parties. This software offers solutions in three categories: bespoke handcrafted gifts, gift ideas, and surprise ideas. The concepts in our solution lead the user step by step and also provide assistance through graphics. This approach is feasible and consists of cost-effective and time-saving concepts.