FTMSK consulting and services homepage / Zatilaruma Peny

The FTMSK consulting and services homepage is a system for reservation and renting of computer laboratories, classrooms, and fully equipped seminar rooms, giving consultation contact information and registration for computer training. Users can do reservation of rooms and computer training registrat...


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主要作者: Peny, Zatilaruma
格式: Thesis
出版: 1998
標簽: 添加標簽
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總結:The FTMSK consulting and services homepage is a system for reservation and renting of computer laboratories, classrooms, and fully equipped seminar rooms, giving consultation contact information and registration for computer training. Users can do reservation of rooms and computer training registration online. Users can get information about the consultation contact at the Faculty. The system will be implemented using HTML and Perl V5.0. The system is included in the FTMSK existing homepage.