Regulated combustion chamber as a thrust initiator / Noor Edzwan Hishamuddin Sadarudin

This project most likely as laboratory simulation of small rocket engines system as well. In this thesis, chapter 1 addresses the introduction to the project. It deals with the propulsion system. Apart from that, the objectives of this project are described as well as the scope of project. Chapter 2...

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محفوظ في:
التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
المؤلف الرئيسي: Sadarudin, Noor Edzwan Hishamuddin
التنسيق: أطروحة
منشور في: 2004
الوصول للمادة أونلاين:
الوسوم: إضافة وسم
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