Influence of cultivation conditions on growth, sporulation rate and δ-endotoxin synthesis of Bacillus thuringiensis MPK13

The influence of cultivation conditions on growth of Bt MPK13, sporulation rate,δ- endotoxin synthesis and its toxicity was the focus of this study. The Cry+ strain of Bt MPK13 with consistent ability in δ-endotoxin synthesis was selected by repeated isolation with polymerase chain reaction analysis...

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محفوظ في:
التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
المؤلف الرئيسي: Mohd. Masri, Mohamed Mazmira
التنسيق: أطروحة
منشور في: 2013
الوصول للمادة أونلاين:
الوسوم: إضافة وسم
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