حماية حقوق المرأة في منظور التشريع الإماراتي والاتفاقيات والمعاهدات الدولية
The study aimed to identify the rules for the protection of women's rights in the perspective of UAE legislation and international conventions and treaties, in terms of showing the compatibility of legislation in the United Arab Emirates with the provisions of international conventions on th...
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总结: | The study aimed to identify the rules for the protection of women's rights in the
perspective of UAE legislation and international conventions and treaties, in terms of
showing the compatibility of legislation in the United Arab Emirates with the
provisions of international conventions on the protection of women's rights in all
fields and revealing their effectiveness in providing legal protection for women's
rights and their compatibility with what was stated in international conventions related
to the protection of women's rights. Laws on the protection of women's rights, which
are in line with international conventions, such as the Anti-Discrimination and Hate
Law, the Penal Code, the Law on Combating Human Trafficking, the Federal Labor
Law, and the Personal Status Law. As the problem of the study is that there are many
rights that are classified as basic rights for women, which are the rights stipulated in
international conventions and treaties related to human rights, but in some countries
international conventions on the protection of women's rights are not implemented, as
the issue of protecting human rights is not limited to international conventions, but
there is an important aspect related to the protection of women's rights, and this aspect
is the legal aspect in domestic national laws, where legislation is integrated The
problem of the study has a special dimension to the extent to which international
conventions on the protection of women's rights are integrated with domestic laws so
that there is no conflict between them. The study also shows the importance of the
study from a scientific point of view in that it shows the legal context pursued by the
UAE legislator in protecting women's rights by explaining the most important Emirati
legislation that provides for the protection of women's rights, such as their right to life,
their right to work, the protection of personal life, their rights to hold public office,
education, marriage, physical integrity, litigation and other basic rights of women.
One of the most prominent results of the study is that the United Arab Emirates grants
women all their rights without derogation, and it also guarantees the protection of
women's rights in all fields of life, despite the absence of a special law for the
protection of women in the country, but there are many practical practices and
authorities concerned with the protection of women's rights, and the United Arab
Emirates is greatly interested in empowering women in all political, economic and
social fields. One of the most prominent recommendations of the study is the need for
the UAE legislator to enact criminal legislation for the protection of women's rights,
such as the Child Protection Law (Wadeema). |