Examining The Impact Of Transformational And Transactional Leadership Styles On R&D Team Performance In UTeM

R&D is the fundamental element of innovation which subsequently contribute to the idea of knowledge economy, which is crucial for nations to grow. Leadership has been envisaged as one of the most important predictors of team success and performance including in R&D projects. A leader is the...

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التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
المؤلف الرئيسي: Othman, Faridatul Sakinah
التنسيق: أطروحة
منشور في: 2019
الوصول للمادة أونلاين:http://eprints.utem.edu.my/id/eprint/24650/1/Examining%20The%20Impact%20Of%20Transformational%20And%20Transactional%20Leadership%20Styles%20On%20R%26D%20Team%20Performance%20In%20Utem.pdf
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