توثيق جمعية علم النفس الأمريكية APA (الطبعة السابعة)

Noorhidawati Abdullah. (2007). A study into usability of tools for searching and browsing e-books with particular reference to back-of-the-book index.

توثيق أسلوب شيكاغو (الطبعة السابعة عشر)

Noorhidawati Abdullah. A Study into Usability of Tools for Searching and Browsing E-books with Particular Reference to Back-of-the-book Index. 2007.

توثيق جمعية اللغة المعاصرة MLA (الطبعة الثامنة)

Noorhidawati Abdullah. A Study into Usability of Tools for Searching and Browsing E-books with Particular Reference to Back-of-the-book Index. 2007.

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