Relationships between osteoporosis health belief, self-efficacy and knowledge, calcium intake and physical activity with bone health status among undergraduates at Universiti Putra Malaysia

Osteoporosis is a serious public health issue, which affects men and women, young and old. The prevalence of osteoporosis in Asian countries is higher than in western countries due to the fact that the Asian population has much lower body mass index and shorter height. The objective of this cross-se...

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محفوظ في:
التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
المؤلف الرئيسي: Vahidafagh, Maryam
التنسيق: أطروحة
منشور في: 2012
الوصول للمادة أونلاين:
الوسوم: إضافة وسم
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