Flavour Components and the Effects of Organic Acids Washing on the Earthy Flavour and Physical Attributes of the Black Tilapia (O. Mossambica) Fillets

The selection and training of panelists for identification of earthy attributes in wild black tilapia was carried out using triangle test and Quantitative Descriptive Analysis procedures. Training was carried out in three stages. The first stage was the introduction to fish flavour characteristic...

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التفاصيل البيبلوغرافية
المؤلف الرئيسي: Ahmad, Nurul Izzah
التنسيق: أطروحة
منشور في: 2000
الوصول للمادة أونلاين:http://psasir.upm.edu.my/id/eprint/8417/1/FSMB_2000_5_IR.pdf
الوسوم: إضافة وسم
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