دور المشكلات النفسية والاجتماعية على الذكاء الانفعالي عند طلبة جماعة الثقافة الإسلامية بجامعة السلطان قابوس
The aim of the research is to study the relationship of psychological and social conditions to emotional intelligence among students of Islamic culture at Sultan Qaboos University in the Sultanate of Oman. Where the researcher relied on the descriptive approach. The study population consisted of...
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الملخص: | The aim of the research is to study the relationship of psychological and social
conditions to emotional intelligence among students of Islamic culture at Sultan Qaboos
University in the Sultanate of Oman. Where the researcher relied on the descriptive
approach. The study population consisted of Sultan Qaboos University students. As for
the study sample, it consisted of 242 male and female students who were selected by
following the stratified random method. The result of the exploratory study showed that
the scale was of high quality, as the value of the reliability coefficient reached 0.854
and indicated the validity of the scale and its suitability for conducting scientific
research. The researcher used a set of statistical methods represented in exploratory
factor analysis, multiple linear regression to analyze the potential relationships between
the studied variables, and multiple analysis of variance for the dependent variables. The
results showed that there were no strong correlations between the studied dimensions,
as the strongest relationship between the axis of self-confidence and the axis of
emotional awareness reached (0.259). The weaker the relationship was, the more
influential it was among the other variables. The results showed the absence of strong
correlations between the dimensions of each of the psychological and social problems
and the dimension of emotional regulation, where the strength of the correlations ranged
between (0.057-0.236). The results showed with regard to the correlation coefficients
between the dimensions of psychological and social problems (independent) and the
empathy dimension for the emotional intelligence variable (dependent), where the
strength of the correlations ranged between (0.051-0.236), and this result indicates that
the weakest relationship occurred between the empathy dimension and each of the two
dimensions of stress. Psychological and depression. As for the correlation coefficients
between the dimensions of psychological and social problems and the social
communication dimension of the emotional intelligence variable, the results indicated
that the strongest relationship came between the social communication dimension and
the social adjustment dimension, although it is the strongest relationship, but it did not
come out of being a weak relationship (0.315). The results showed with regard to the
correlation coefficients between the dimensions of psychological and social problems,
and after self-motivation for the emotional intelligence variable, where the strength of
the correlations ranged between (0.057-0.250), and this result indicates that the weakest
relationship occurred between the dimension of depression and self-confidence, and the
strongest relationship was between the dimension of depression and self-confidence,
and the strongest relationship was between the Self-motivation on the one hand and
social adjustment on the other. The researcher recommended considering the
dimensions of emotional intelligence when enacting laws, educational systems and
student activities among students of Sultan Qaboos University. Preparing various
courses, lectures and seminars in developing the emotional intelligence of university
students. He also recommended conducting a study entitled: "The role of the family in
solving psychological and social problems through the techniques of emotional
intelligence, the Omani family as a model", and conducting a study linking Islamic
principles and techniques of emotional intelligence among students of Sultan Qaboos
University. |